Offering you a gateway to the fourth major revolution in the history

    of written communications – on-demand electronic publishing

  • LINE OF DUTY: YES | Virginia Irvine Blocker MD | Gordon Blocker Publishing

    Virginia Irvine Blocker, M.D.

    This book originated in 1945 from my acquaintance with a group of young combat patients from the plastic surgery service of the Wakeman General Hospital. As I listened to them swapping yarns of their combat days, comparing notes, and bragging on their outfits, I began to see the war not as headlines in the newspapers but as Peter's war, Harry's war, and Hewett's war.


    To the soldier, the war is not an abstraction made up of military tactics and campaigns; it is a way of living strictly regimented and subordinated to a particular "line of duty" laid down for him. But within the bounds of regimentation I could see that these young men had found great adventure.The boys were enthusiastic about the idea, and they were eager to have a permanent record of both their combat and their hospital experiences. As one said, "We ought to put down everything we did in the war so that we'll have something to show our grandchildren, so the book grew to be a sampling of case histories from a variety of personalities, branches of the service, theaters of operation, and types of injuries sustained.


    It was by accident and not by design that I chose from the patients six men who had been given the Silver Star for "bravery above and beyond the call of duty." No matter how great their physical hardships, how terrible their experiences, how severe their deformities, these particular boys all came out with sound minds and high morale. I recorded the stories in the boys' own words exactly as they told them to me without any changes or additions for literary effect.


    These boys have been my friends, and this is their book. To them, as the generals say in their farewell speeches, "Goodbye, good luck, and Godspeed!”


    Available in Paperback. Kindle eBook now available


    Line od Duty: Yes -Paperback on Amazon
    Line Of Duty: Yes EBOOK on Amazon
  • Turnkey Services & Solutions

    Publishing your book is just the beginning of the process of effective marketing

    Gordon Blocker - On Demand Publishing | Blocker Publishing

    On-Demand Publishing

    State-Of-The-Art Production Tools

    We have a decade of experience working with on-demand books and products to market in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and UK.

    Gordon Blocker | eBook Products | Blocker Publishing

    eBook Products

    Electronic Delivery Formats

    Electronic forms of your book may sell three times the number of a paperbacks and provide you a deeper reach into many global markets.

    Gordon Blocker | Book Websites  | Blocker Publishing

    Book Website Design

    Market your Book, Products and Services

    A book website can list your best reviews, announce events, signings and direct visitors of where to buy your book or even your services.

    Gordon Blocker | Online Store Solutions | Blocker Publishing

    Your Online Store

    Your Book can be a tool for selling

    other Products or Services you offer

    We can design your ecommerce solution. We have the experience with private label products, vendor relations and more.

    Gordon Blocker | Search Engine Optimization | Blocker Publishing

    Search Engine Optimization

    Blocker Publishing is the Brand to ensure solid website and search optimization

    We emphasize a great web design schema to go along with your unique content. We can optimize the key pages of your responsive site.

    Gordon Blocker |Media Bloduction | Blocker Publishing

    Media Production

    Award-Winning Media Production using Film, Video, Photography and Graphics

    We have experience in corporate image, historical, medical, aviation, interactive training and speaker presentations.

  • Gordon Blocker - Forsaken Patriot: The Strange Life and Times of Samuel May williams of Texas - Blocker Publishing

    Forsaken Patriot:

    The Strange Life and Times of

    Samuel May Williams of Texas

    He came to the western frontier under a cloud and under an assumed name, a man seriously in debt, fleeing a murder indictment with nothing but the clothes on his back and a beautiful woman some called a “Devil” on his arm. His name was Samuel May Williams. And in time, although he would risk all in the service of Texas, he would become the most controversial, the most hated, and the most misunderstood character to walk the pages of Texas history.


    Forsaken Patriot is the story of a remarkable life, a man who was viewed by many as a scoundrel and by others as a patriot. Father of the Texas Navy, he also built a mercantile empire, created the first bank in Texas, and spearheaded development of the port city of Galveston which, in his time, was the richest city per capita in the United States.


    After all he accomplished for Texas, it is ironic that no street, school, park, county, building or monument in a city or in the state bears his name.

  • About Gordon Blocker

    "The final product is a wonderful reflection of the creative  process. "

    Gordon Blocker of  Blocker Publishing

    Gordon Blocker Publishing

    Gordon Blocker has a 52 year award-winning track record for film, video, photography, multi-media, animation, special effects, interactive, SEO, writing, design and system solutions. Blocker is joined by award-winning graphics and branding designers, film, photography, drone and music production professionals, a trademark firm and other SEO/SEM consultants.


    Blocker’s clients include national and international commercial and non-profit organizations including foundations, corporations and museums. A partial listing of clients include: American Airlines, Electronic Data Systems, Merck Pharmaceutical, Macromedia, The Moody Foundation, BOC Healthcare, The Northen Endowment, Tandy Corporation, John Denver, SimuFlite, Director Stephen Ives, The Dallas Convention Bureau, The Woodlands Corporation, The Image Bank, KHOU-TV (CBS), Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund, Metropolitan Life Insurance, Reality Interactive, Dahlberg, The Meadows Foundation, Trammel Crow Company, Sara Lee, Coca-Cola, Earthgrains, Homart, Lincoln Properties, WNET (New York), American Heart Association, The Institute of Endocrinology and Preventive Medicine, United Way, The National Cancer Institute, MIT, Hyatt Regency, ZZ Top, Northrup Grumman and SAIC..


    Since moving back to my hometown of Galveston, I now serve as Lead Creative Designer on the Board of Directors of the Texas Navy Association and established Gordon Blocker Films as the Producer-Director-Designer.


  • The Gordon Blocker Blog

    Storming the Walls The revolution is all around us. It is storming the walls of the way we have...
    15 juli 2021
    Gone Back To Galveston at Last I arrived back in Galveston after a tortuous and emotional year...
    Welcome to Blocker Publishing What you will see on this website is a profile of the projects we...
    Interactive Solutions According to Pliny, The Elder, it all began in the 5th Century BC with a...
     It is a question that resonates through the ages. The search for an answer is as old as the hour...
    Foundation Projects A foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports charitable...
    1 februari 2020
    Medical Education & Marketing Ever since the ancient Egyptian Houses of Healing on the banks of...
    Broadcasting and Beyond Sometimes it’s difficult to differentiate between the art and the...
    25 december 2018
    Have you ever noticed that often the more we concentrate on a problem; the more elusive the...

    Corporate Image and Broadcast Examples

    "Line Of Duty: Yes"

    Gordon Blocker - Publisher

    LINE OF DUTY: YES by Virginia Blocker MD is coming live on Amazon February 5, 2021. This book tells the first-hand accounts of

    14 young soldier's who were severely wounded in battle from the European to the Pacific Theaters of World War II. It was my father's job to heal these men through innovative plastic surgery. It was my mother's job to document their medical treatment, interview and record their stories of heroism. A compelling manuscript published for the first time in 75 years.



    Forsaken Patriot

    The Strange Life and Times of

    Samuel May Williams of Texas

    Forsaken Patriot is the story of a remarkable life, a man who was viewed by many as a scoundrel and by others as a patriot. Father of the Texas Navy, he also built a mercantile empire, created the first bank in Texas, and spearheaded development of the port city of Galveston which, in his time, was the richest city per capita in the United States.


    Broken Rhymes

    PBS Program - Medical Documentary

    Narrated by actor Richard Burton, the program profiles the lives of four young people who suffered severe brain damage through traumatic accidents. Winner of twelve national and international awards including the Blue Ribbon at the American Film Festival, First Place at the John Muir Film Festival, Summa Cum Laude, Award of Italian Journalists & Frank Gottlieb Award at the Medikanale International Festival in Parma, Italy and the Barbara Jordan Award.

    Outliving Your Ovaries

    Book Commercial and Promotion

    Daystar Television Network was licensed to sell our book. One feature unique for Blocker Publishing is the ability to private label our properties for organizations to customize the back and front of the book for their target audiences. This is an example of how Daystar translated the Outliving Your Ovaries book for their worldwide Christian audience.

    Texas Echoes

    Gordon Blocker - Videographer/Editor

    On April 26, 1836, and in eighteen minutes from start to finish, the Battle of San Jacinto occurred. The promise of a new nation, independent from Mexico, took firm root. It was the decisive battle of the Texas Revolutionary War.


    Gordon Blocker - Producer and Director

    My love letter to the mysterious beauty and serenity of Galveston Island when the Flower Super Moon rose out of the Gulf of Mexico on one incredible windy night.

    "Unintended Consequences"

    Truman G. Blocker III, Ph.D.

    The first in a series of short interviews on amazing topics out of the mind of a highly experienced Physicist, Educator, Entrepreneur and Futurist, Dr Blocker.

    "The Night Ain't Got No Eye"

    Gordon Blocker - Producer and Director

    My first feature film effort. Based on true occurrences in Galveston, Texas and a wonderful woman who raised me. A thriller, a courtroom drama, a social statement and a future for America. This is just a simple preview for now.

  • Gordon Blocker Project Summary

    Interactive Marketing and Training Examples

    American Airlines Interactive - Gordon Blocker - Filmmaker and Interactive Designer

    American Airlines

    Interactive Training

    Gordon Blocker served as the visual component contractor for six laserdisks for International Counter-terrorism, Ticket Agent and Cargo Agent Training.

    Consolidated Coke - Gordon Blocker -  Curriculum and Interactive Designer and Programmer

    Coke Consolidated

    Interactive Training

    Curriculum and Interactive Design and Programming - A comprehensive computer-based-training solution produced for the #2 Coca-Cola bottler in the USA.

    ISO 9000 - Gordon Blocker - Director, Instructional Designer and Writer

    Reality Interactive

    Interactive Training

    Curriculum designer, writer, producer - director, Team Leader for an interactive training series on ISO 9000, QS9000 and ISO1400.

    Preservation Dallas - Gordon Blocker - Designer & Programmer

    Preservation Dallas

    Interactive Museum Kiosks

    Gordon Blocker produced two museum kiosk programs for Preservation Dallas and The Meadows Foundation.

  • Contact Gordon Blocker Publishing

    We are ready to discuss your project,

    please contact us to start this process

    Gordon Blocker
    Blocker Publishing
    3222 69th Street #912
    Galveston Island, Texas 77551